
How To Hire A Professional Stager...

Questions to ask when hiring a staging professional

Staging is the ART of turning a seller's Home into a Product.

1. What training and experience do they have?

The industry is fairly unregulated and all stagers are NOT created equal.

2. Do they have a portfolio?

It is helpful to see their "style" and variety or lack of variety.

This is a "visual" business and "a picture speaks a thousand words as they say"

3. Do they rent or own their inventory?

(this makes a difference to having a "cookie cutter" look or "hand curated" look that evokes the emotion that

propels buyer's to Fall in love!

4. Are they the "cheapest" price? (Beware...this screams "newbie")

You will never get a BMW for the price of a Toyota!

5. Are they INSURED? You are investing in YOUR most expensive investment.

6. What do other's say? READ the testimonials! Being timely, fair, under promising and Over delivering

should be paramount to achieving the awesome experience and WOW factor needed to sell for MORE and in less

time through the power and Magical transformation of Artful and Customer Centric Staging.

Have more questions contact: KAT Troulinos-Wong- 281 798 3750

Accredited Master Staging Professional/ Certified Color Expert/ Buyer Trends Specialist/ Certified Luxury Expert/Author/International Speaker/ Mother of 3 and Momma to 3 fur babies. Resides in Houston, TX with her husband of 20 years and business partner Jeffrey Wong.
